Please allow me to add another feature request to the FWHMEccentricity script.
In the current version, the "support" button generate FWHM and Eccentricity maps.
I think it will be very useful to also generate a vector map that shows the direction
of the elongation of stars. This should provide a even more powerful diagnosis
about the problems in imaging. For example:
1. If the elongation is caused by tracking problem, the eccentricity and direction
of elongation should both be uniform across the image.
2. If the elongation is caused by coma, field curvature, and astigmatism etc, the
direction should be either tangential or radial. The pattern should be symmetric
around the center of the image.
3. If the elongation is caused by field rotation (guided exposure with poorly
aligned equatorial pole), then it should be radial but the center may not be
in the center of image.
4. If the elongation is caused by tilt of sensor plane, the eccentricity should show
a uniform gradient, but the direction should be constant.
5. If the elongation is caused by collimation error, then anything can happen.