I've added Ha to RGB images with very good success and have mostly stayed in the L+RGB imaging part of this hobby. I recently did a fairly long project of collecting 23.25 hours of Ha data on M57 and later decided to go ahead and get some OIII data. Of that data there's 11 hours of usable data. Last night I had a rare July Virginia clear night and managed to get 6 hours of SII. Ideally I'd like more but thought maybe I could see if there's anything worth continuing on with. I'm a bit at a loss on this and am thinking that the imbalance of data will determine a good deal on how to proceed, if at all. If this were rgb data I know I can balance things well using the color calibration process but this is much different.
What would be best at this point, wait for additional data or see what I already have? As mentioned before, the object is M57. The Ha and OIII data show the faint outer nebulosity of the Ring where the SII shows mostly the stars clearly in the Ring. Any suggestions as to how to proceed? I don't have a good track record with my limited NB imaging and looking to improve on this. The L+RGB and HaRGB images can be viewed here
http://www.astral-imaging.com/M57-LRGB-Ha-RC.html and I just realized I haven't posted the HaRGB yet. Need to fix that.