Author Topic: BPP script and flats of different nights  (Read 2086 times)

Offline Stu

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BPP script and flats of different nights
« on: 2014 August 02 12:44:28 »
Hello all,
This is my first question on the forum.  In the BPP script, you can dump all the files into the "Add Files" tab, and it'll automatically sort them into the proper places, assuming the fits editor is correct. 

My question is different nights.  I take flats every time I go out, and if I have a target of multiple night, I have different sets of flats. 

Is there a way for the BPP script to recognize that my flats are from different nights and correctly match the flats to the lights of the correct night?  Or should I just calibrate the lights separately and then go from there?  (Which is what I've been doing)
