Author Topic: Batch replacing FITS keyword  (Read 2116 times)

Offline Astrocava

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Batch replacing FITS keyword
« on: 2014 July 16 04:39:43 »
I have a problem when trying to register some images taken with Firecapture.
Code: [Select]
Generating registered image
Homographic Projection / Lanczos-3 LUT interpolation, c=0.30: done
Registration successful.
Writing output file: K:/Astronomía/Brutos/CIELO PROFUNDO/ASI/DeepSky/150714_224844/
*** PCL Exception: PCL FITS Format Support: Error writing FITS header keyword:
K:/Astronomía/Brutos/CIELO PROFUNDO/ASI/DeepSky/150714_224844/
CFITSIO error message stack:
01 : Character 15 in this keyword is illegal. Hex Value = FFFFFFB0
02 : HIERARCH TEMP(°C) = '24,2    '                                                 

I need to replace TEMP(ºC) by TEMP(C) in several files. Is any tool available to make this task easier and faster than using FITSheader  for every file?

Thanks in advance,

Moonfish ED80 over a Meade LX200GPS 8"