At times I have used ABE on a group of files, mainly to perform low order gradient removal such as order 1, maybe 2. To do this I open the AutomaticBackgroundExtraction, set order to, say, 1, click to discard generating the background model image and check to replace the current file. I make this into a process icon and leave it on the workspace. I then make an ImageContainer of the files to which I wish to apply the ABE process, usually adding a prefix to the file names such as ABE_ and setting my output directory. I make an icon of this. Now I can simply drag and drop the ABE icon on the ImageContainer icon, and the background is removed sequentially on each input image, with its corresponding output image save to the directory. A unique background is subtracted from each image.
My question is how could I perhaps do this using DBE? I am not at home currently, otherwise I'd try it out for myself and see what happened, but I wanted to post the question here to see if others have a way to apply the DBE process to a group of images quickly. If I defined a few points around the image, say, one in each corner, this would in principle subtract a linear function of (x,y) from the image, right? If I made a process icon of this process, could I apply it to an ImageContainer list of image files? Would a unique linear model then be created for each file, or would this simply freeze the original model that I created and apply it to each image?
Thank you for considering my questions. Ultimately I'll just try it out for myself, but I wanted to at least ask since it will be some time before I have opportunity to run my own tests.
Best Regards,