Author Topic: ATrousWaveletTransformation with Deringing  (Read 2544 times)

Offline mstriebeck

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ATrousWaveletTransformation with Deringing
« on: 2014 June 08 22:23:51 »
I am trying to use ATrousWaveletTransformation with Deringing support on an Ha-only image of the Jellyfish Nebula (

When I apply ATrousWaveletTransformation, I get rings around the stars:

I tried to use "Deringing Support" to address this, but neither Bright nor Dark seem to work.

With Deringing Support - Dark=0.0001 I get bright spots all over the image:

With Deringing Support - Bright=0.0001 I get dark spots all over the image:

I tried increasing support - but that only made it worse. I tried to use both Dark and Bright, but that lead to dark AND bright spots.

Any pointers or ideas are welcome!


Offline JoLo

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Re: ATrousWaveletTransformation with Deringing
« Reply #1 on: 2014 June 10 08:51:50 »
Are u using ATWT for sharpening or noise reduction or both?  I use MMT myself, which eliminates some of the ringing problems from the get-go.  Always use either in two can do sharpening and NR at the same time, but it is recommended they be separate processes.

For deringing with ATWT, I never use the brightening support.  It would be rare to have bright rings after a wavelet transform.  I use the dark deringing at half the default value and it works well for me....don't remember what that is off the top of my head, but if it is .1, reduce to .05.

I also use a modified luminance mask to further protect brighter stars.  Use HT to protect these areas, i sometimes use CloneStamp to get rid of protection on smaller stars, nebula, etc.

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Canon 450D
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