I bought PixInsight almost a year ago, because I was looking for something that would successfully align images with rich starfields (FSQ106 images, in particular). My old faithful was failing at that too much to use any more.
I became quickly discouraged by the bewildering UI. I could not even figure out how to calibrate images, much less do anything else.
So I gave up, and haven't processed an image in a year or so.
Now I have an absurd backlog, and it's time to break the log-jam.
Since I've paid for this, I'll give it another go. But I would appreciate suggestions.
I bought the videos, but they were not of any use to me. I really don't do well with real slow things, which cover all sorts of detail I don't care about.
I'm looking for something that will concisely and clearly (both are very important) take me through the processing of an image, showing workflow and how to do it. I'm used to the following workflow in CCDStack (a package I love for ease of use, if only it could align dense starfield images):
1. Open images
2. Calibrate (darks & flats) images
3. Align images (preferably not requiring me to flip or otherwise manually help the routine)
4. Normalize images
5. Data reject (sigma; fix blooming; dark and light pixels)
6. Combine subs into a master for that filter
Beyond that, of course, I'd love to learn the power of PixInsight, as people claim it's better than Photoshop. But I need to start with some success, and 1-6 above would be a big help.
Thanks for any useful suggestions.
Mark de Regt