Author Topic: Using the defect map  (Read 16709 times)

Offline mads0100

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Re: Using the defect map
« Reply #15 on: 2013 March 11 18:26:50 »
Your experiences are similar to mine.  Only works in average.

Offline Geoff

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Re: Using the defect map
« Reply #16 on: 2013 March 12 02:01:19 »
Hi Geoff

Juan already have the documentation of this process, and should release it soon (I hope so...).
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Offline k8jb

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Re: Using the defect map
« Reply #17 on: 2013 April 01 12:25:44 »
I waited for RC5 to come out before I upgraded and I've noticed the DefectMap tool doesn't work the way it used to in Version 1.7.  I can get all the options to work if I apply the tool one image at a time but not with an image container holding all the images I want to correct - only the first image is processed and RC5 crashes.

In V1.7, I would iconize the image container and drag the DefectMap triangle over the Image Container icon - seemed to work fine (a few of the optional methods crashed but otherwise it worked OK) and this is the process I used with RC5.

I tried the BatchPreprocessing script as well and I still have problems getting it to recognize a master file but that's a different issue...what I'm questioning is the order it performs the processing - shouldn't the defect map be applied to the raw images and not after calibration??

Offline sreilly

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Re: Using the defect map
« Reply #18 on: 2014 May 30 08:27:45 »
I just tried the above sequence and get an 'invalid memory read operation' error.  It is such a simple process that Mads0100 kindly listed that I can't see what I might have done wrong.
Ripley RC3, Win 7  64 bit, 16GB RAM


I just tried this and get what looks like an acceptable map but this includes everything before the dark is used so I'm wondering if we're doubling the effect? I mean by this, usually I calibrate the images using a master dark and master flat. What is generally left in the image other then the data is hot/cold pixels and column defects. Applying this inverted dark, seem to me we'd be applying some of the same process twice that the dark had already removed. Maybe I'm looking at this wrong. Not sure just trying this is going to answer that as well. I'm trying to only remove the defects.
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