Hello all,
last weekend we did a 12 hour PixInsight workshop at the Adler Planetarium (Chicago):
Although there were only 8 attendees, things went smoothly and we reviewed a lot of concepts and techniques. Apart from learning processing techniques, we discussed the observational techniques required to use the upcoming PixInsight tools for superflat and color calibration.
This is a small photo gallery:
A photo of the attendees in front of the sun dial. The downtown in the background:
A larger version here:
http://astrofoto.es/astrofoto/foros/workshops/Adler-2010/2_Group1_large.jpgFrom left to right: Geoffrey Stone, Cleon Wells, Larry Van Vleet, David Illig, Max Mirot, Joe De Pasquale, Robert Hurt and Philip de Louraille.
A second group photo with me (I'm att the center of the frame) taken by a tourist:
A larger version here:
http://astrofoto.es/astrofoto/foros/workshops/Adler-2010/3_Group2_large.jpgThe conference room:
On saturday, five of us went to a "spanish" restaurant in the downtown:
Best regards,