I have started using PI to calibrate and stack my data. Last night I got some LRGB and Ha data from M81 and the process worked nicely with the Ha data, Bias, Flats and Darks were used. Once I tried to use the same calibration files with the Lum and the RGB files the software would not use the Flats with a warning that "no Flat Frames have been selected to be applied to Light frames" although the Flats are there. During the process I can see that the Flats are being calibrated by the master Bias but it does not apply the Flats to the lights. I used 71 Flat frames and 101 Bias.
I would appreciate any help, the capture was done with Nebulosity 3 and the flats were taken using the Ha filter in place in its correct position so the Flat fits are encrypted with the Ha filter position .
Many thanks and regards,