Author Topic: ImageIntegration, ImageCalibration etc.  (Read 2633 times)

Offline Shekhar Phatak

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ImageIntegration, ImageCalibration etc.
« on: 2014 March 24 01:13:29 »

I am doing my first image calibration, integration etc. in PixInsight. Following the advise on the website ( I have collected a large number of bias, dark and flat frames (about 100 each) and about 10 hours of H-alpha data for the rosette nebula. When I integrated the bias frames following the steps given on the link given above, I find three files being generated and they are: Integration, rejection_low and rejection_high. Since the rejection_high is the last file generated, I presume that, that is the master bias file. But presumptions are not always correct. Can someone tell me if I am right? If not, which one is the master bias file?

Thanks in advance,


Celestron C-14, Takahashi FSQ 106 ED
SBIG ST 8300 M with CFW-5
Canon 550D all spectrum modified
Astrodon 6 nm H-Alpha, OIII, SII filters and GenII LRGB filters
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Offline TobiasLindemann

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Re: ImageIntegration, ImageCalibration etc.
« Reply #1 on: 2014 March 24 01:45:14 »
Hi Shekhar,

as the name implies, in the rejection-files there is the rejected data which is not used in the integrated picture. There is all data of the single images which is different from the rest. You can say, it is the rubbish.
In your case the Integration-file is the masterbias.

« Last Edit: 2014 March 24 01:51:51 by TobiasLindemann »

Offline Shekhar Phatak

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Re: ImageIntegration, ImageCalibration etc.
« Reply #2 on: 2014 March 24 02:11:16 »
Thanks, Tobias! That certainly sounds more logical than my logic. Thanks a lot for the quick response.


Celestron C-14, Takahashi FSQ 106 ED
SBIG ST 8300 M with CFW-5
Canon 550D all spectrum modified
Astrodon 6 nm H-Alpha, OIII, SII filters and GenII LRGB filters
Celestron CGE Pro Mount
StarLite Xpress Lodestar
Orion Short FL Guide scope
TheSkyX Pro