I'm trying to transition from my old image processing suite PVWave to PI.
I'm a long time image processing /algorithm guy. I'm familiar to expert in many programming languages and image processing tools.
My primary expertise is in PVWave, with a recent foray into Matlab.
I won't add another carp about documentation - i just accept that as why I paid 1/10 th the price for my personal package.
Following the advice on this forum I've begun learning PJSR using examples. I've started with the LinearPatternGenerator shared by Enzo De Bernardini. Thank you Enzo.
My first attempt is to generate a linear ramp in either x or y in a Uint16Integer image.
I have disabled much of Enzo's code I didn't need. below are the lines I believe are relevant and dumps to the console
My questions are
First I expected to see a linear intensity ramp going from black to white, left to right.
Instead I see the ramp and the integer values reversed. I suspect from the next effect.
Second When I dumped the values to console the x,y and fltx values are incrementing as expected, but the sample value is obviously a normalized float that is decrementing. It appears to be some intensity mapping function, but I clearly don't understand the process.
Help please?
defining the window and image:
var window = new ImageWindow( parseFloat(this.img_w), parseFloat(this.img_h), 3, 16, false, true );
var view = window.mainView;
var img = view.image;
var x, y, p, PV_Long, fltx;
var width = this.img_w;
var height = this.img_h;
the code core:
// Pattern Making
switch( this.direction ) {
case "Vertical":
// y values
PV_Long =width;
//for( y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for( y = 0; y < 1; y++) {
// X Values
//for ( x = 0; x < width; x++ ) {
for ( x = 0; x < 32; x++ ) {
fltx = parseFloat(x);
img.setSample( fltx , x, y, 0); // R
img.setSample( fltx , x, y, 1); // G
img.setSample( fltx , x, y, 2); // B
console.writeln( " x: " + x + " mod x: " + Math.mod( x ,16) + "fltx: " +fltx + " sampl: " +img.sample( x, y, 0));
the output
x: 0 mod x: 0fltx: 0 sampl: 0
x: 1 mod x: 1fltx: 1 sampl: 1
x: 2 mod x: 2fltx: 2 sampl: 0.9999847409781033
x: 3 mod x: 3fltx: 3 sampl: 0.9999694819562066
x: 4 mod x: 4fltx: 4 sampl: 0.9999542229343099
x: 5 mod x: 5fltx: 5 sampl: 0.9999389639124132
x: 6 mod x: 6fltx: 6 sampl: 0.9999237048905165
x: 7 mod x: 7fltx: 7 sampl: 0.9999084458686198
x: 8 mod x: 8fltx: 8 sampl: 0.9998931868467231
x: 9 mod x: 9fltx: 9 sampl: 0.9998779278248264
x: 10 mod x: 10fltx: 10 sampl: 0.9998626688029297
x: 11 mod x: 11fltx: 11 sampl: 0.999847409781033
x: 12 mod x: 12fltx: 12 sampl: 0.9998321507591363
x: 13 mod x: 13fltx: 13 sampl: 0.9998168917372396
x: 14 mod x: 14fltx: 14 sampl: 0.999801632715343
x: 15 mod x: 15fltx: 15 sampl: 0.9997863736934463
x: 16 mod x: 0fltx: 16 sampl: 0.9997711146715496
x: 17 mod x: 1fltx: 17 sampl: 0.9997558556496529
x: 18 mod x: 2fltx: 18 sampl: 0.9997405966277562
x: 19 mod x: 3fltx: 19 sampl: 0.9997253376058595
x: 20 mod x: 4fltx: 20 sampl: 0.9997100785839628
x: 21 mod x: 5fltx: 21 sampl: 0.9996948195620661
x: 22 mod x: 6fltx: 22 sampl: 0.9996795605401694
x: 23 mod x: 7fltx: 23 sampl: 0.9996643015182727
x: 24 mod x: 8fltx: 24 sampl: 0.999649042496376
x: 25 mod x: 9fltx: 25 sampl: 0.9996337834744793
x: 26 mod x: 10fltx: 26 sampl: 0.9996185244525826
x: 27 mod x: 11fltx: 27 sampl: 0.9996032654306859
x: 28 mod x: 12fltx: 28 sampl: 0.9995880064087892
x: 29 mod x: 13fltx: 29 sampl: 0.9995727473868925
x: 30 mod x: 14fltx: 30 sampl: 0.9995574883649958
x: 31 mod x: 15fltx: 31 sampl: 0.9995422293430991