Hi Brian!
To get the flat adequately exposed with OSC - it helps to use a true white light source.
I know only one on the market. It is from Alnitak
http://alnitakastro.com/We are using this light source which really delivers true white light und gets you
not 3 histogram bumps in the raw flat but only one histogram bump.
Using correct light source enables better flats. Better flats reduces image processing by 1 trouble... (and there are many)
Using skyflats with a modified camera gets the red channel in the calibrated image to far to the right of the histogram
what i would also call " using a not adequately exposed flat" .
There is a software help in PI using Process ChannelMatch. With ChannelMatch you can move all 3 channels of your
raw image by 0.5 Pixels. This averages the gray Colorpixels in the raw image and brings the 3 histogram bumps nearer together
to have only one histogram bump afterwards. Also the size of the image is not changed.
How do i do this:
1.) convert rawflat to type RGB (it still stays gray no change happens) this is needed to use ChannelMatch as ChannelMatch works only with RGB images.
2. ChannelMatch Change all Channels 0.5 Pixels in X and Y.
3) convert Output of 2. back to Gray again.
And your flat is better usable than untreated.
But better in any case would be using a "true white light source".
find a screenshot showing the 3 steps attached.
also the process-container