Author Topic: New Processing Example: Deconvolution and Noise Reduction with M81 and M82  (Read 7607 times)

Offline Juan Conejero

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Hi all,

We have just released a new processing example on our website: Deconvolution and Noise Reduction Example with M81 and M82, written by myself with data acquired by Harry Page:

This example includes the topics of deconvolution, noise reduction in the linear stage, nonlinear stretching, and dynamic range compression. The tools covered include, among others: DynamicPSF, StarMask, Deconvolution, MultiscaleLinearTransform, and HDRMultiscaleTransform.

I hope you'll find it useful. Please post here any comments or questions you may have about this tutorial.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Alejandro Tombolini

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Hi Juan, great example! and extremely usefull.

Trying to understand and reproduce what you did with linear mask I noticed that I can not see it, the preview shows always values in cero. I don't know what I am missing... :o
(in linux)

Saludos, Alejandro.

Offline Juan Conejero

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Hi Alejandro,

Thank you. Try with lower amplification values. I know this is counterintuitive: Since you get a black mask, seemingly it requires more amplification. Keep in mind that it is an inverted mask, so if one applies a higher amplification, the resulting mask will be darker.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline bitli

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Really great Juan,
I especially like that you provide good hints to the selection of the parameters (especially for deringing) without going into the mathematical details.  With the flexibility of PI it is good to have some understanding of what happens to tune them effectively.

I have a question about the paragraph:
Noise threshold has been decreased to include the necessary structures in the generated mask. After preprocessing with the starlet transform the image has virtually no noise, so we can use this parameter effectively to control inclusion of dim stars in the mask.

In this example you do denoising after the deconvolution, or was it already a denoising before?  My current understanding is that the order should "in theory" not matter, as we apply denoising to low SNR parts and deconvolution to the high SNR parts, assuming reasonable images (which I rarely have).

Any hint on the order/amount of denoising making sense before deconvolution?

-- bitli

Offline Juan Conejero

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Thank yo bitli!

After preprocessing with the starlet transform the image has virtually no noise...

Before using the StarMask tool, I used MLT to apply a wavelet transformation where the first and residual layers were removed. With the above sentence I mean that after removing these wavelet layers, the preprocessed image has almost no noise (in fact, the background is almost black).

Quote we can use this parameter effectively to control inclusion of dim stars in the mask.

StarMask's threshold parameter is intended to exclude the noise in the generated star mask. However, since there is no significant noise after preprocessing with wavelets in this case, the threshold parameter can be used to filter out faint stars, which are treated as "noise" in this context.

Sorry for the confusion. I am speaking of a duplicate of the image used to generate the star mask, not of the image being processed. I'll think on a way to make this part of the tutorial clearer.

In this example you do denoising after the deconvolution, or was it already a denoising before?  My current understanding is that the order should "in theory" not matter, as we apply denoising to low SNR parts and deconvolution to the high SNR parts, assuming reasonable images (which I rarely have).

Actually, regularized deconvolution does precisely that: separate the data into signal and noise at each deconvolution iteration, and deconvolve only the signal component. I would never apply noise reduction before deconvolution. With the regularized algorithms that we have implemented (and also with the next generation of restoration tools that we'll release), the noise is not a problem, as you can see in the tutorial. Moreover, deconvolution should always work with the original data before any noise reduction, since the regularization algorithms make some assumptions on the noise distribution that won't hold after noise reduction.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline btracy

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I would never apply noise reduction before deconvolution.

Thank you Juan!  That answers a question I've had (as an absolute newbie to PI) for quite a while.  Great examples, your help in climbing the PI learning curve is very much appreciated.

Bob Tracy
Driftwood, TX