A new FREE tutorial has been posted to IP4AP.com-
PI-25 Addendum-1 We begin the wrap-up of PixInsight Part-2. Featured are the STF's new Boosted Stretch, and the exciting, new
MaskedStretch process. 6:51min
Please enjoy it with our complements-
http://www.ip4ap.com/pixinsight_part2.htmWhile our take is
somewhat different than the official one, we are no less excited by the new process. We hope that you, Juan, and Carlos feel we've done both of these changes justice.
If you'd like to be added to our mailing list and are not a subscriber, contact peterproulx@gmail.com for announcements of Part-2 DVD availability and the launch of the PixInsight Part-3 rolling release.
As always IP4AP.com PixInsight series are available at
http://www.ip4ap.com/pixinsight.htmHere's a direct link to the latest movie-
Thank you!