Author Topic: Stacking multiple nights question  (Read 6071 times)

Offline Torsinadoc

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Stacking multiple nights question
« on: 2014 February 19 06:47:30 »
Im not sure of the correct workflow for a DSLR for multiple night stacking.  Assuming the subs are the same duration can I just group them together as I would a normal session?  The images will be off since I have to tear everything down so would I need to change the integration parameters?  Or do I need to calibrate the evenings seperately then combine them with star align and integration?  Not sure how to proceed but considering I lost 1/3 my subs last night imaging my ROOF, I want to collect more data.

Offline pfile

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Re: Stacking multiple nights question
« Reply #1 on: 2014 February 19 09:38:43 »
if the camera temperature differs a lot you may want to calibrate each night's images with matching master darks. if you had to remove the camera from the OTA each night, then you may want new flats for each night's work.

if the temperature is similar and the flats are okay, then you can just throw all the images together, calibrate, register and integrate them.


Offline Torsinadoc

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Re: Stacking multiple nights question
« Reply #2 on: 2014 February 19 11:35:46 »
Thanks.  I will try. Just to make sure I understand this, since the camera was removed (temperature will be 30 degrees cooler)  I will plan on running each night seperate for calibration in BPP (bias, darks and flats) then I can combine both nights for registration (Star Align) and proceed with integration? Thanks again.


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Re: Stacking multiple nights question
« Reply #3 on: 2014 February 19 12:59:20 »
yeah, what you can do is run separate BPPs for each night, but be sure to use the same registration reference frame for all BPPs. that way all the subs will already be registered to one another; then you can just find the files from each BPP run and load them all into ImageIntegration separately.


Offline Torsinadoc

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Re: Stacking multiple nights question
« Reply #4 on: 2014 February 20 03:11:18 »
Thank you.  When/if the clouds clear, Ill give it a shot.

Offline Torsinadoc

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Re: Stacking multiple nights question
« Reply #5 on: 2014 March 01 14:40:46 »
Worked well.  As you can see from the original stack I was off a "little" with lining up the object.    The next imaging target (m78) I used astortortilla on consecutive nights and much improved.  Thanks for the help.