Author Topic: Pixel Rejection Maps  (Read 2372 times)

Offline Spracks

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Pixel Rejection Maps
« on: 2014 January 22 21:59:13 »
My question is regarding dark, bias, and flat frame integration and the corresponding rejection maps.  After reading about the ImageIntegration process and watching several tutorial videos, I have heard repeatedly to "make sure you check your pixel rejection maps to make sure everything looks good."  What exactly does good look like when dealing with calibration frames?  I can see when doing the final Integration with light frames you want to check and make sure there is no legitimate signal being rejected and that artifacts are properly taken care of, but how I am supposed to evaluate the performance of a rejection algorithm for a master dark/bias/flat?  What should the high and low rejection maps look like after I apply the STF AutoStretch?  Mostly black?  Mostly white?  50/50?  Any help is appreciated!


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Re: Pixel Rejection Maps
« Reply #1 on: 2014 January 22 23:02:46 »
mostly you are checking that you have not rejected a ton of pixels, but enough that you've rejected cosmic ray hits, which are common on long darks...
