Hi all pixers,
I wanted to ask a newbie question concerning the manual integration and calibration routines using BPP.
I read in the "Image Integration" doc under "Hints" that BPP is not ideal for integration, but OK for master subs.
{Don't use the BatchPreprocessing script to integrate your light frames. In most cases, BatchPreprocessing does a fine job for generation of master calibration frames, image calibration and registration. However, integration of light frames is a critical process requiring manual intervention to fine tune pixel rejection and image combination parameters.{}
I would like to know what steps, and please be as explicitive as possible here, I would take, if I wanted to use BPP to do everything but the Image Integration as the final step to utilize all the pixel rejection settings.
I am confused with what subs, ( master, bias, flat, light ), that I would add to the BPP script. And what settings to use. I see the "calibrate" only selection under the lights tab, but do not fully understatnd how it works.
Also, can I still use the "cosmetic correction" this way also?
I have not fully grasped the theory behind all this calibrate, register and integrate.
Scott T.