Author Topic: File I/O Error: Unable to create directory: Win 32 error (161)  (Read 3506 times)

Offline cplloyd42

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I'm evaluating PI 1.8 for processing DSLR images. I have successfully generated the bias, dark and flat master files which I am using to calibrate my lights via the batch preprocessing script when the above error occurs. The full message reads:
"File I/O Error: Unable to create directory: Win 32 error (161): The specified path is invalid.

The last line of the message refers to a network mounted disk service. This is the location of all my input files and my output files. The script has successfully generated the * files from the lights and is at the stage:
"Writing output file: //DLINK-8B0F61/Volume_1/Astrophotography/PI_work/PI_output/calibrated/light/
Dark scaling factors:
k0 = 0.000
** Warning: No correlation between the master dark and target frames (channel 0).
** Warning: Overwriting already existing file.
Writing FITS image: 32-bit floating point, 1 channel(s), 5202x3465 pixels: done

===== ImageCalibration: 8 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 aborted, 0 skipped =====
124.1 s

* End calibration of light frames

* Begin deBayering of light frames

My settings for the BPP are stock standard (so far as I am aware) with CFA images ticked on.

Any help you can give, I'd sure appreciate it. Thanks,


BTW: All the best to all of you for 2014. Clear skies!

Offline cplloyd42

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Re: File I/O Error: Unable to create directory: Win 32 error (161)
« Reply #1 on: 2013 December 31 20:55:03 »
Well, I've moved my entire work area with all necessary files to a local HDD, and the script runs without errors - all BPP settings remained as they were for the error-generating run.

It would appear that the BPP script may have a "bug" at the initial Debayer step. Note that, mistakenly, I first tried this with the CFA images unchecked, and the script worked.

Am I on the right track, here?
