Author Topic: New user question  (Read 2462 times)

Offline jabberwock48

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New user question
« on: 2013 September 17 09:27:50 »
At the moment I am using CCDStack to calibrate, register and stack my LRGB images. To get the most out of Pixinsight's features I am not clear what is best to import. Is it L plus RGB colour as one would with Photoshop, or is it the combined LRGB or is it the separate stacked L, R G and B images.

Thank for any guidance.

Offline pfile

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Re: New user question
« Reply #1 on: 2013 September 17 11:00:00 »
well, you can start wherever you like i suppose... you can calibrate, register and stack in PI as well.

if you want to do LRGB i guess i'd bring in the L and R/G/B images as greyscale images, then do DBE on each separately (this affords you a little more control than doing DBE on a RGB image), then merge the RGB using either ChannelCombination or PixelMath, then work on L and RGB separately and finally replace the implicit L in the RGB image with the main L image, using LRGBCombination. you do this by only selecting an L image in the LRGBCombination dialog, setting up the transfer functions (i usually make the saturation slider somewhere between 0.3 and 0.5, which will boost the color) and applying the LRGBCombination process to the RGB image.

you can actually also do the R,G,B -> RGB image combine with LRGBCombination if you leave out the L image and leave all the other settings as defaults.


Offline jabberwock48

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Re: New user question
« Reply #2 on: 2013 September 17 11:08:21 »
Thanks Rob
I will try the import all as greyscale as you suggest. Will stick to CCDStack for stacking etc until more proficient with Pixinsight.