Hi Juan,
Thanks for replying to my post. I'd read the documentation before posting, but I'm afraid I found that it didn't make sense. I think the problem is that I'm not understanding something fundamental about PixInsight's operation.
Here's the thing I don't understand. The quantity FLX2DN is a constant for any instrumental setup. To get to calibrated quantities one simply divides the image by this quantity:
Intensity (erg × cm-2s-1nm-1) = Intensity (DN) / FLX2DN
That's fine, I do similar things all the time in other software (e.g. IRAF) to calibrate my images.
The documentation also says that one has to apply FluxCalibration on processed images: "Before using FluxCalibration, the image must have been dark and bias subtracted and flat-fielded, for example using the ImageCalibration tool." After this has been done the image has been rescaled to (0,1) and the thing I'm not understanding is how this rescaling is ignorable. So, in essence, the thing I'm not understanding is how it's possible for FLX2DN to be be independent of the scaling used to bring the images to the range (0,1).
Here's a thought experiment. Say I imaged a field yesterday and now I do a flux calibration using the FluxCalibration process. Say I then image the field again tonight but a very bright supernova has gone off in the field, so now the supernova is the brightest thing in the frame. The scaling applied to the images to bring them to the range (0,1) is now different so all the Intensity (DN) values are rescaled. But FLX2DN is the same for both frames. So physical fluxes of every object in the field returned by the FluxCalibration tool will be different on night 2 compared to night 1.
Anyway, apologies in advance as I'm sure I'm doing something stupid. The formula above would make sense to me if it were applied to raw images or if the scalings used to bring the data to the range (0,1) were known and accounted for in deriving FLX2DN.