Hi PI Guys,
I recently did some processing using PI and I had some very faint nebulocity that I wanted to pick out and selectively process in a very different way to the background and to the brighter parts of the image. It was very very close to the background in terms of brightness, but different in terms of structure from the background.
I therefore created a luminance mask and used the Curves module to create a very narrow band filter by putting a node somewhere on the line, and then dragging the line down to zero on either side of the line.
By moving this line around and looking at the preview I could eventually select out the features I wanted. I could even change the bandwidth by adding a couple of extra nodes and 'fattening' out the spike.
This is quite laborious with curves because you have to keep moving individual nodes around...maybe five or more nodes. It would be much easier if there was a way of simply specifying the centre and bandwidth of the filter...and maybe even being able to just slide the centre around and see the effect on a preview.
Now if I'm the only person in the world that is asking for this, then hey, I'll do it by moving nodes around. And I'm not even sure it is something I would use very often.....so I'm definitely not screaming out for it, if you get my drift.
I've really just raised it as something of interest, and if there's loads of others that would use it, then maybe it could become a feature suggestion.
An alternative could be that you could specify the centre by clicking the mouse on the part of the image you are trying to select?