Author Topic: Introduction and NarrowBand Combinations  (Read 2924 times)

Offline TheMadOne

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Introduction and NarrowBand Combinations
« on: 2013 July 31 10:38:46 »
Lo all,

This will be my firs post in the PixInsight forums, I purchased the full license back the first of February of this year.  I have visited here often to look up various information over functions, and questions I've had, and found it to be a great forum for finding most of the answers I have sought.  I am best described as an astronomy hobbyist more so than an amateur astronomer, I have had an interest in astronomy just about since the first time I looked up at the dark night skies on a clear night and really took it in, bout knee high to a grasshopper!  I have had a variety of cheap telescopes mostly Newtonians over the years, and first started into the imaging aspect of the hobby in the spring of 2005.  I have gradually upgraded my equipment over time and currently use an Orion AG10 254mm F3.9 Newtonian "astrograph" as my primary imaging rig and a Meade series 5000 80mm APO as my rich field rig, all currently riding on a Losmandy G11 with a Gemini 1 Level 4 v1.05 computer controller.  My cameras currently are a Hutech Canon 40D, Atik 314L+ Mono, & a TIS  I use the Atik for both LRGB and Narrowband imaging.  I have just recently started into the Narrowband imaging aspect of my imaging hobby.  Nuff bout me, I have a simple website where most of my images worth putting up can be found in the albums.  I have some reviews, musings & such there also, but it's been a while since I have had time to update much of that.

I have a curiosity more so than a question.  In my newly acquired addition of Narrowband imaging I have been experimenting with the various combinations of NB filters, I have the Baader 7nm Ha, 8nm OIII, 8nm SII filters.  I have just recently been playing around with yet another filter combination I have not seen listed anywhere, bicolor Ha + (.2*ha + .8*OIII) + (.2*ha + .8*OIII)  as the RGB color palate as opposed to the more "traditional" Ha +(.2*ha + .8*OIII) + OIII bicolor RGB.  The image I am producing with the method is coming out what I see as the better bicolor representation of a true RGB image composite.  I based my slightly different bicolor composite on the ideal of Ha representing the red band, the "standard" sG formula, and the thoughts of Hb (.2 Ha) being in light blue band as well as OIII being a blue band in the deeper blue.   I had not seen this bicolor formula expressed or demonstrated yet,  anyone else do this or seen this before?  I am just off on some cockamamie lame ideal for making a different bicolor synthetic RGB image?  I have inserted both the RsGsB image and the practiced RsGB image I did of M20.  Thoughts?

Clear Skies!

Mark Jordan
Greenfield, IN

Offline Geoff

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Re: Introduction and NarrowBand Combinations
« Reply #1 on: 2013 August 04 13:57:59 »
I prefer the first version. Have you tried the simple (Ha, OIII,OIII)->(R,G,B)? It often works quite well.
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