assuming each filter's subs of each panel were all registered to a common image, i guess you could do the linearfit on each stack against the Ha stack before making the mosaic... right?
also though, if you've made your oiii mosaic panels by registering against the Ha mosaic, in the end don't you have two N-panel images which are registered to each other? can't you then use linearfit between the Ha mosaic and the OIII mosaic in that case?
The problem is the intensity between each panel of the same channel.
When I create the Ha master, the SA match the intensities of each panel every time I stitch them together. For simplicity lets assume that we have a 2 panel mosaic of 2 channels. ha_a1, ha_a2, sii_a1, sii_a2
Now if I stitch ha_a1 and ha_a2 using SA with the 'frame adaptation' option enabled I will get a nice master ha_a1a2 mosaic.
Then if I stitch the sii_a1 against ha_a1a2 I will get an big image sii_a1_registered, half with sii_a1 and the other half blank. The same will happen with the sii_a2, we will endup with one big image sii_a2_registered.
At this stage I can use the GradientMergeMosaic tool to stitch together sii_a1_registered and sii_a2_registere, it will work, however the intensities between sii_a1_registere and sii_a2_registere is not matched and the results won't be optimal.
Assuming the latter workflow, where do you suggest running linerfit?
Try using your S2 panes in SA to register union mosaic to the Ha master layer. You could frame adapt at this stage, I don't know if it matters. Once your S2 frames are all registered to the Ha frame, put those registered frames into GMM, and make a master S2 layer. Now open this master S2 layer in SA, and with frame adaption checked, register each of your S2 panes again to the new S2 layer. You should get frame adapted S2 files that are registered to your Master S2 file, which is of course aligned to your Ha layer. You could do the same again then for the O3 layer. Tom