How is this step performed: "...and then used PixelMath to assign the values from the RGB image to the NB image"?
I applied a star mask to the NB image and then applied a PixelMath expression which was just the name of the RGB image to it. That copies the RGB image over the NB image where it is not protected by the mask.
I have since found a better way which I described in my processing notes here: relevant steps are:
- Create star mask from NB luminance * strong HDRMT
- Extract CIE L*a*b*
- PixelMath a*: iif(RGB_star_mask>0.1,RGB_star_mask*CIEa(RGB_stars)+(1-RGB_star_mask)*$T,$T)
- PixelMath b*: iif(RGB_star_mask>0.1,RGB_star_mask*CIEb(RGB_stars)+(1-RGB_star_mask)*$T,$T)
- Repeat a couple of times
- Recombine L*a*b*