Author Topic: Processing PLN47+42.1/Abell39  (Read 2244 times)

Offline sreilly

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Processing PLN47+42.1/Abell39
« on: 2013 July 07 17:54:45 »
I posted a new image on the SBIG forum that was processed using PI 1.8RC7 and was asked by a couple of viewers to post the processes I used so I took some time this afternoon and outlined the process. The image isn't anything great but it is a dim nebula that doesn't seem to be imaged often. The total imaging time is only 7-2/3 hours. Spring and Summer has been terrible so far but I image when I can. The image had a bad gradient due to some data being collected with the Moon present in the early data. Anyway if you care to see what and how, go here If anyone notices any mistakes or suggestions please post.

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