Author Topic: Question about DSE-script  (Read 2304 times)

Offline GeHe

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Question about DSE-script
« on: 2013 June 25 03:30:49 »
Hi ,
I have a question about your DSE-script :

I have on my 32-bit Vista-computer the Version 1.8 32-bit with any available updates. I load your DSE-script from your website and I want to calculate a picture with this script.

But I got this error-message :

.........................................RGBWorkingSpace: Processing view: DSE_mask8
0.00700 s
*** Error [000]: C:/Users/gh/Documents/DSE-script.js, line 72: Error: ATrousWaveletTransform.layers(): too many table columns (row #0)

I read , that I make all updates for this script , but it was successful done.

Is there a way , to fix this problem ?
ThankĀ“s for helping ,
best regards , Gerhard