Author Topic: Why so much blue in RGB Combination? Problems perhaps with CCDSoft?  (Read 3381 times)

Offline jperezbonome

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Well, when I combine R,G and B using RGB Combination, what I get is an extremely blue image that covers almost completely the galaxy (M51 in this case, but also M104, M1, M42, etc), not the soft pink in Harry´s tutorials.  Applying DBE I get a uniform blue background. And yes, I get an image but dominated by blue. No matter how many parameters I change applying Background Neutralization and Color Calibration, the best I get is a pale galaxy with no color. I use the same number of images in each color, equal exposure, calibrated, registered, etc. The problem is always with RGB or LRGB Combination.
I suppose the problem lies at the very beginning but I don´t know where. I take and capture images with ST 8300M and CCDSoft. Could it be some kind of incompatibility with PixInsight?. This is not a problem when I take and capture with Orion 3G Mono and MaximDL. In this case I get images with RGB Combination as expected.

Offline Nocturnal

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the first thing to verify is that all three channels are in the same numbers range. Do they have comparable average values? The point is that to get a balanced RGB image each channel needs to be in the same ballpark. If the B values are much greater than R and G then your image will be blue etc. Could you post the statistics of each channel before combining and then the stats for the combined image?

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Offline papaf

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Is the RGB combination the very first thing your're doing on the images?

Offline astroedo

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If you have not already done, try linear fit on your images using your B channel as reference before combining.

Offline jperezbonome

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Thanks guys (and sorry my english). I comes the three channels to a same range using Linear Fit and combine them.  I´m not completely satisfied with results because when I´m going to Background Neutralization and then a Color Calibration that I see is a little pale no "natural" image (I know the relativity of that term).  If you please, take a look to attachment. To the left the RGB Combination and to the right that I obtain after several treatments. Is a good enough image?. Some sugerences?. Sincerely I appreciate your comments. I like PixInsight but is not easy.


Offline astroedo

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Looking at your first image seems that you don't have properly (or not at all  ;) ) flat fielded your image: flat fielding is VERY important to achieve a good final result.

Anyway your final image it seems (in this small preview) very nice but, as you say, lacks of colors.

Try to give more saturation using saturation tool or curves on saturation channel.