Author Topic: Newbie question  (Read 2554 times)

Offline John D

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Newbie question
« on: 2013 July 31 05:48:51 »
Hi all
I am a newbie to Pixinsight and live in Perth Western Australia. 
I have been running Pixinsight off and on for a few months now and have just upgraded my camera from a one shot colour camera to a QSI 583 ws with Astrondon e-series II LRGB filter set.
I use Maxim Dl 5.24 pro for capture and processing up until now. 
Over the last few months I have been reading all I can find about Pixinsight and have downloaded most of Harry's great tutorials and worked my way through then.
I have one question at this time to which I can't seem to find the answer.   I am creating a set of dark files and will convert them to masters, but I am unsure whether I need to create separate masters for different binning modes. I assume I will have to do so for different set temperatures though. I would appreciate advice on how to proceed please.
Thanks in advance

John D
C11 on a CGE Mount with Southern Cross pier in Astrogazer observatory, QSI583ws with Astrodon E-series II LRGB filters, Orion 80mm short tube guide scope. Orion Starshoot Autoguider.

Offline Nocturnal

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When to take new darks
« Reply #1 on: 2013 July 31 08:26:50 »


Yes, you need different masters for each factor that affects dark current significantly. If you're ever unsure simply take two darks with different settings (duration, temperature, binning, whatever) and compare them.

Please use descriptive forum topics. 'Newbie question' might get ignored because people won't know it's really about darks.

Edge HD 1100
QHY-8 for imaging, IMG0H mono for guiding, video cameras for occulations
Takahashi EM-400
PIxInsight, DeepSkyStacker, PHD, Nebulosity

Offline John D

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Re: Newbie question on Dark Frames
« Reply #2 on: 2013 July 31 19:54:23 »
Hi Sander

Thanks for the information and tip re the title. I'll make sure that does not happen again.

All the best

John :)

John D
C11 on a CGE Mount with Southern Cross pier in Astrogazer observatory, QSI583ws with Astrodon E-series II LRGB filters, Orion 80mm short tube guide scope. Orion Starshoot Autoguider.

Offline Nocturnal

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Re: Newbie question
« Reply #3 on: 2013 July 31 21:03:59 »
No worries John, looking forward to your future posts on this forum!

Edge HD 1100
QHY-8 for imaging, IMG0H mono for guiding, video cameras for occulations
Takahashi EM-400
PIxInsight, DeepSkyStacker, PHD, Nebulosity