Author Topic: pixelmath mixup!  (Read 2465 times)

Offline cloudbuster

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pixelmath mixup!
« on: 2013 May 13 03:12:33 »
hi ever a pixinsight problemo!

in pixelmath i was getting horrible dayglow greens and yellows at the autostrech....then realized that i had loaded the wrong flats into DSS!

i re-stacked my images, getting rid of any light or poor images...'.

Luminence: 30x10min
Red: 14x10min
Green: 18x10min
Blue: 18x10min

both the red and green stacks came out a little washed out, so i adjusted them on the luminence in DSS and saved them.
after putting them thru PI pixelmath, rather than the bright green or yellows i was getting, i am now gettin purple! which i think is a slight improvement!
i just wondered....would my 0.001 bias frames shot thru the Ha filter effect them? they are in with the stacks, and never gave it a thought until now.

please need your help as ever!


Offline Geoff

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Re: pixelmath mixup!
« Reply #1 on: 2013 May 13 04:19:16 »
I take it that you are trying to calibrate, register and stack followed by an lrgb combine. If this is the case then don't use DSS, don't use pixelmath. Just use the batch preprocessing script in PixInsight followed by the LRGBCombine module.
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