Author Topic: Non-modeled PSF Generator  (Read 5904 times)

Offline dnault42

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Non-modeled PSF Generator
« on: 2013 July 04 08:33:10 »
Hi All,

I've been working on this script to generate a non-modeled PSF for a while.  I had tried scripts like Mike Schuster's PSFEstimator and had manually generated PSFs using DynamicPSF, but for me that left something out.  I have a persistent problem where the CCD cover class is slightly tilted with respect to the sensor in my camera (at least, I now believe this is the case, but that's a different story) causing interesting star shapes.  These shapes will not be accurately modeled by a Moffat or Guassian function, so when I use a simulated PSF I am not properly describing the actual point spread function of the captured image.  So, my idea was to actually sample the stars in the image and stretch them to match the same peak (1.0), background level (0.0) and size (mean star size) then combine them.  In my script I used a simple percentile clipping for the stacking process to throw out outlier information like nearby stars or other structures that might be in the window of the star I'm sampling.  I also use other information gathered from DynamicPSF to throw out stars that have a peak brightness over 1.0 or aspect ratios or theta's widely different from the average.  There is a control for each of both of these on the form as well as the typical controls for star detection (which uses Juan's code to run inline - thanks Juan!).

Please give it a try and let me know what you think, what you would like to see altered, if you have any concerns with the math (which I admittedly fudged, but seem to get really good results from).  I would like to make the script more robust and as technically accurate as possible, so any input would be greatly appreciated.

If you dig into the code, try not to laugh too hard at my poor javascript attempt!

« Last Edit: 2013 July 04 09:50:18 by dnault42 »

Offline mschuster

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Re: Non-modeled PSF Generator
« Reply #1 on: 2013 July 04 11:16:57 »
Hi David, I also have wondered about getting more accurate PSFs. With my refractor the brighter stars in my subs have small spikes, I have read that this might be due to sensor microlens diffraction. Also, you might want to look at the paper on Cassini probe calibration and PSF modeling, I found it interesting.


Offline dnault42

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Re: Non-modeled PSF Generator
« Reply #2 on: 2013 July 04 11:54:33 »
Hi Mike,

This is very interesting.  I've certainly used techniques to combine short and long exposures to increase the dynamic range of a subject, but I had never considered using the base of overexposed stars to increase the dynamic range of the PSF.  I may look at extending the script to use all detected stars, but handle them differently based on their exposure.  I think I could expand the script to work on multiple images as well which might have some benefits.  I'll have to dig through it more thoroughly and see what else I can learn.  Thanks for the info and the response!


Offline Carlos Milovic

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Re: Non-modeled PSF Generator
« Reply #3 on: 2013 July 06 08:55:02 »
While reading papers about astronomical holography, they suggested to take the median of the FFT of the normalized sample stars. I have plans to implement that on C++ in the next months (I'll dedicate the second half of the year to reconstruction problems), but a scripted test of that procedure would be of great help ;)

Carlos Milovic F.
PixInsight Project Developer

Offline dnault42

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Re: Non-modeled PSF Generator
« Reply #4 on: 2013 July 06 09:19:45 »
Hi Carlos,

I'd certainly be happy to give it a try.  Since I already have the normalized sample stars in my data it should be easy enough to take the FFT of them and then do a median, but what do they do with the median values after computing them?  Do you have some pointers to the papers?  I would be very interested in reading them.


Offline Carlos Milovic

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Re: Non-modeled PSF Generator
« Reply #5 on: 2013 July 06 10:16:17 »
Well, many deconvolutions are performed in the fourier domain. The Wienner filter, for example. So, it makes sense to have the PSF in that domain.

See this one:

Carlos Milovic F.
PixInsight Project Developer