Author Topic: Solved [RC5 64bit MacOSX Mountain Lion] PSF / Deconvolution Error message  (Read 3165 times)

Offline robbeh

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I am new to astrophotography and PixInsight, however, I am pretty much excited about learning both. Thank You! I use PixInsight 1.8 RC 5 64 bit on a Mac with OSX Mountain Lion, commercial license.

While taking a lesson on deconvolution (, I encountered that my PSF, which was previously exported as synthetic PSF using the DynamicPSF module, won't work in the Deconvolution tool. I defined the PSF view as external PSF and performed the deconvolution, here is what I get:

- an alert popup "<* Warning *> Invalid unlock operation: PSF"
- another popup "The view is locked for write operations: PSF"
- the console message reads as

"Deconvolution: Processing view: PSF
Writing swap files...
*** Error: The view is locked for write operations: PSF
Reading swap files...
<* failed *>"

What can I do?
« Last Edit: 2013 April 20 03:41:53 by robbeh »
Newbie, learning PixInsight 1.8 (64 bit, OSX Mountain Lion)

Offline pfile

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it could be as simple as that the PSF window is active when you try to apply the deconvolution with the square 'active window' icon instead of the image you meant to deconvolve.

i've done this many times by accident... you can either drag the triangle to the target image or click the target image to activate it and then apply the decon.

Offline robbeh

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Okay, that did the trick, thank you!

Well .... still learning.
Newbie, learning PixInsight 1.8 (64 bit, OSX Mountain Lion)