Author Topic: Strange issue with HDR  (Read 2376 times)

Offline topboxman

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Strange issue with HDR
« on: 2013 March 27 07:27:11 »
I had a strange experience with PixInsight 1.7 when I was processing an image. When I was using HDR tool, it would remove or strip out lots of data from my image. Also, after using HDR, I extracted Luminance from color image for Luminance mask, the Luminance background was horribly noisy and grey/white probably because of bad HDR processing.

So I ran "Reset PixInsight settings" and everything is back to normal. Is this a known issue?


Offline topboxman

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Re: Strange issue with HDR
« Reply #1 on: 2013 March 27 18:56:31 »
It's happened again. This time it was combining Luminance with RGB. When I apply Luminance image to RGB image, the whole image got dim. I had to run "Reset PixInsight Settings" again. Now it's fine but for how long?

Anyone else seen this before? It seems that PixInsight settings are getting corrupted. My machine is Windows 7 64 bits. I have been using PixInsight for a long time and never had issues till now. I am still using version 1.7.

I didn't want to migrate to version 1.8 until all the bugs are ironed out. I wasn't interested in being an early adopter for a new and untested version.
