Hello all, hopefully I dont sound too stupid. I love PixInsight and have been following workflows for OSC DSLR Processing and that is working perfectly. I recently got a filter wheel and tried shooting LRGB. My problem comes in the preprocess for this flow. I tried my normal process for each color and then tried to use the LRGB Combination but it tells me there are no compatible images. I guess my first question would be how do I get my calibration, debayer, alignment, and integration process to output a mono file for use with the LRGB Combination? Also I have another quick question if you could help me with. I just ordered a QHY9M and a set of narrowband filters. Does anybody have a good workflow for this pre-process. If I shoot Ha, OIII, and SI, is the process the same. I cant seem to find a good tutorial on that workflow. Any help would be appreciated.