I think this depends on many factor, the first one being... is this an RGB picture or a Ha-OII-SI one.
If the latter, you should not expect a color histogram alignment.
If the former, and the field is mostly stars, one could expect to have color balance. But if the picture is of a gas nebula... then not really.
Color calibration is the step I use to "normalize" the color channels according to exposure time (in case R, G, and B did not get equal time perhaps), and where I can eliminate a color tinge I know should not be there (is the starry background neutral?)
Personally, I use the HistogramTransformation (color channels) to maybe boost a color (without displacing its peak relative to the others) and the color saturation to intensify faint colors where appropriate (gas nebulae in a galaxy for example.)
But I can't say that this is always what happens if I am looking for a good, pleasing visually stimulating picture...