Although I've regulated almost all my image processing to PI, by time I'm 99% done I get a little stuck. Typically I'll reduce my MaxIm DL acquired images that I've gotten from running my evening ACP plan using PI's image calibration routine using my sky flats and appropriate darks. I don't use bias frames as I don't need to scale the darks. I then star align these images and save. After acquiring sufficient data I'll start to combine the red, green, and blue calibrated images into master frames. I'm using either a mono STL-11000 or ST-10XME CCD Camera with filter wheels. I'll then combine the RGB images using Color Combine, use the DBE tool if necessary, and then color balance using the color calibration tool. I save each resulting image with an identifier so that I can tell what has been done such as M78-10_RGB_c which indicates the master RGB images are now a single RGB image which has been cropped. M78-10_RGB_c_dbe_cc, and so on. At this point I will generally use the Histogram tool to stretch the linear data and create a star mask. Save mask and then reopen the linear RGB image that I had before using HST. Apply mask, invert selection, hide mask, and look at using HDRW. Apply as needed, remove mask and save resulting image. Then run HST on that image, use Curves to boost contrast and color saturation if needed. I may run another HST if it improves the image and then another curves transformation as needed. When I've gotten pretty much what I want I usually save the image and bring into Photoshop for making my JPG files to upload to my website.
This may seem strange as I know PI can do this but PS gives me control over quality and size of the image files that I can readily see. Seeing how I paid for PS already I figure I'm not doing anything more than taking advantage of what I already have. I certainly wouldn't suggest anyone spend that kind of money just to do this. I have found that bringing the resulting jpg files back into PI will not display properly and don't know if it's a setting that I can change in PI or PS but if the image is saved as a TIFF it displays fine. Long story short, I usually find that the image I bring in from PI is a darker background than I care for so I will use Shadow/Highlights in PS to bring out the background. Usually a setting of anywhere from 10-35% makes a huge difference.
My question is for those that are familiar with both programs, is there an equivalent procedure that can be used in PI to get similar results? I really prefer to keep my post processing all in one program and PI is by far the absolute best program from image processing. If anyone needs the original fits image I can post it to my website for download. I really think I'm missing something here. You have to admit the image with the Shadows/Highlights shows much better hidden detail I think.