Ah, you make a good point. I hadn't thought of that. I'll bet you're right - the LinearFit tool is probably not happy with the fact that one image has a single plane, while the other image has three planes.
Perhaps I should start a separate thread about this, but I guess my question raises a larger issue that I've never been very clear about... how best to match the histograms between an RGB and an L image, prior to doing the LRGB combination?
The PI instructional videos by Vicent show this being done with STF. I haven't had any luck with this, though. If I use the STF tool to do an AutoSTF on one image, I don't get a good result when I apply those same AutoSTF settings to the other image. (For example, the L image is always much brighter and more contrasty than the RGB image.) Same problem if I compute AutoSTF settings for each image individually.
Overall, I'm fairly confused regarding how to `match the histograms' between my linear RGB and L images, as I take them into the nonlinear realm for LRGB combination. I'm going to go search the forum and see if I can come up with anything; input from anybody would be appreciated, and I'm happy to take this to another thread if necessary.
- Marek