Author Topic: Saving the History  (Read 2778 times)

Offline cfranks

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Saving the History
« on: 2013 January 27 16:16:41 »

I'm struggling to understand the 'Save History' process and if anyone has a bit of time to explain, or point me to an existing explanation, I will be grateful.

For a simple example:  I open Master L, R, G and B images, Crop them to new images and close the originals.  Create the appropriate RGB which now gives me 5 images open.  I have created the Process Icons I used and have saved the whole as a new Project but trying to close PI,  I get the message about the History not being saved.  Do I have to drag the History New Instance for each image to the desktop and name it appropriately? Do I have to repeat that every time I close PI after further processing of the same images? 

I searched the forum but most of the entries are very old and often finish with Juan saying 'coming soon' and the last thing I want to do is put more pressure on him.  I don't think I know anyone who is more overloaded than he is at the moment.  :sad:

PI 1.8.0 RC3, Win 7 64 bit


Offline pfile

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Re: Saving the History
« Reply #1 on: 2013 January 27 17:31:19 »
saving a project does not clear the individual "dirty bits" of the various images and processes in your workspaces. so immediately after you save a project, pixinsight is still going to warn you that you have unsaved changes when you quit the program or close a window.

it should be safe to shut down the whole thing immediately after saving a project, assuming of course you have saved all workspaces. otherwise if you save one workspace and then quit PI, you really will lose everything in the other workspaces.

Offline cfranks

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Re: Saving the History
« Reply #2 on: 2013 January 29 04:07:07 »
Thanks Rob,

it is the History that PI complains about so I will have to do some more testing.


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Re: Saving the History
« Reply #3 on: 2013 January 29 09:04:22 »
Hi Charles,  don't know if this helps you or not... but I was having the same problem (1.8 RC3 on Win7 64-bit) until last night... after saving the project, I just exited PI without first closing any of the open images.  PI closed without comment.

I seem to remember reading that saving a project allows you to open it later and return to exactly the same place you were when you saved it, loaded images and all, as if you never left the computer... so I assume that closing an image after saving the project "changes" the current project - so you get the (rather oblique) complaint about image history not being saved.
