Author Topic: Master Flats Created using PI  (Read 2692 times)

Offline sreilly

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Master Flats Created using PI
« on: 2013 January 26 11:10:59 »
I am trying to get my head around the use of the Batch Preprocessing script which does indeed seem to make short order of calibrating, aligning, and creating master frames. Where I run into an issue is using my PI created master flat frames. I use ACP for automation and that uses MaxImDl for camera control. One of the very usefull scripts in ACP is autoflat. These flats are taken and then I use PI to creat my master flats. For whatever reason, PI's batch preprocessing script doesn't seem to like these masters. I haven't tried just loading the calibrated flats and see what happens which I will do next as I just thought of it. But seems I read a post where Juan mentioned that there was a problem with sky flats because they all have different exposure times as the sky darkens/lightens. Is there a way around this issue?

Also, while watching Harry's very informative video on using this script I noticed that the cosmetic correction script I have doen't have the preview feature so you can see what affect the settings are having. Can someone advise what I'm doing wrong of is there is another version of the script to use?

Thanks as always,

OGS 12.5" RC
Tak FSQ-106ED
Pyxis 3" Rotator
Baader LRGBHa Filters
PixInsight/MaxIm/ACP/Registar/Mira AP/PS CS5

Offline f11

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Re: Master Flats Created using PI
« Reply #1 on: 2013 January 26 14:23:06 »
Harry was using the newer Cosmetic Correction process under ImageCalibration, not the original script... not sure when it was introduced, although Harry's video shows files timestamped in late March and early April 2012.


Offline sreilly

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Re: Master Flats Created using PI
« Reply #2 on: 2013 January 26 15:05:29 »
Don't see anything like that on my systems. More confused then ever.

OGS 12.5" RC
Tak FSQ-106ED
Pyxis 3" Rotator
Baader LRGBHa Filters
PixInsight/MaxIm/ACP/Registar/Mira AP/PS CS5