Author Topic: New Laptop on the way,what do I need to do to install another PI version  (Read 2933 times)

Offline Tom OD

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Hi there,
My new laptop is due tomorrow, and I want to install PI onto it. I already have PI on this laptop. Is there any issue with downloading the s/w a second time. What is the best way to do this. Do my login creditals that work for the updates, also allow me to download the s/w? Also is the new version now fully bug free and released?
Thanks Tom.

Offline Carlos Milovic

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Carlos Milovic F.
PixInsight Project Developer

Offline Tom OD

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Thnkas Carlos,
I still have more questions though. I  had the 32 bit version, and now I need the 64 bit version. I have copied my license to the new laptop, but do I need to download the new 64 bit version, or can I just copy over the pixinsight folder to my new laptop.
I tried my password from the commercial license e mail to access the download page, but I get access denied.
I see my username field is blank though. Can you,or the admin confirm my username as Tom ODonoghue
Thanks Tom.

Offline Carlos Milovic

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Download the 64bits version and install it. Before launching, copy the licence.
The user/password for the download area should remain the same as in the first time. I think that this is not the same user/pssw as the one used when activating PI the first time (sorry, it has being so long since I activated my copy).
If you cannot enter with the user/passw submitted to you by email, send a mail to Juan (or use the contact form).

Carlos Milovic F.
PixInsight Project Developer

Offline Tom OD

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Thanks Carlos,
I managed to find my username and password in an old mail. The 64 bit is installed and up and running.