Hello Everyone,
I'm very new to PI and I'm missing the existence of a (necessary) manual very very much. So my question here on the forum - hopefully not to annoy anyone.
My first learning step was to play with existing image data by creating master calibration frames where I came across the fact that the bias frames I had gained in the past
show different entries in the FITS header: sometimes the keywords BZERO = 32768.0 and BSCALE = 1.0 are present and sometimes not. When present then the processes run fine, when not then there is going something wrong. I gained the images with a Atik 314L+ controlled with AstroArt 5.0.
In the process ImageIntegration there is the possibility to set Format Hints. The popup explanation states: "... You can also specify the "lower-range" and "upper-range" hints to load floating point FITS and TIFF files generated by other applications that don't use PixInsight's normalized [0,1] range. ...".
So my guess is one can balance the differences in the FITS header entries by setting Format Hints. But I nowhere found any hint of how to formulate the Format Hints.
What is the syntax of this adjusting screw and where can I find any description of this topic?
Any help is much appreciated.
Rolf Stadelmaier