1.- Is there any reason to select the green channel as the standard in the "Linear fit" process? Do the same role red or blue?
2.- In your case, you combine OIII images for the green and blue, but if I have SII images too, what will be the process, step to step, to combine OIII for the green and SII for the blue?
Hi "Ugatza"!
1.) In the Cirrus case the green channel had the best data of the RGBs and no other channel was saturated 100% so my idea was therefore to use it as reference.
In the meantime i had cases where it was better to use the dimmest of the RGB channels and linear fit the other channels down not to loose dynamic.
So if the median of the blue channel, which is usually the lowest, is low i select the blue a s reference.
2.) In the Cirrus case i tried to produce as final product a RGB image which got Ha and OIII improvements. The intent was not to create a false color image.
If you want to put the the SII into the Blue channel the only difference to the steps in my video is - in HaRGBCombination you select the SII instead of the OIII
in the third merge. (first was Ha into red, second was OIII into green, third could be SII instread of OIII into Blue).
this should keep the star colors nicely however i am not sure that your SII channel is so strong that you really will see it beside the OIII?
Personally i recognized that i learn best when i do a presentation about that what i want to learn more deeply. Making a usable video brings me under pressure to learn more and deeper details...
And, after its examined by others i get feedback on cases were i was not deep enough. Its not altruistic is simply the will to learn PI better and better and finding a way
to get deeper into the details by producing videos... For me its a winwin.
Also after many many years of fiddling around with 5 different programs using 3 different fileformats i became grateful
when i found PI which is in my opinion the complete solution for image processing.