The Makefile generator adds a .lib suffix to the first additional library (which is unwanted). Settings of the Makefile generator are as shown in the screenshot. The same problem exists in other Makefile variants as well. Workaround: remove those .lib suffixes in Makefile
Contents of linux/g++/makefile-x86:
# PixInsight Makefile Generator Script v1.67
g++ -m32 -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-O1 -shared -L"$(PCLLIBDIR32)" -L"$(PCLB
INDIR32)" -o $(OBJ_DIR)/ $(OBJ_FILES) -lboost_python -lpython2.7 -l
pthread -lPCL-pxi
Contents of linux/g++/makefile-x86-debug:
g++ -m32 -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-O1 -shared -L"$(PCLLIBDIR32)" -L"$(PCLB
INDIR32)" -o $(OBJ_DIR)/ $(OBJ_FILES) -lboost_python.lib -lpython2.
7 -lpthread -lPCL-pxi