Author Topic: Star Alignment for registration of images from different scope/cameras  (Read 4535 times)

Offline Graham

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Hello.  :)

Can PixInsight be used like Registar, ie; to register and stack images from different scope/camera combinations to take advantage of many hours of exposures?

What would be some of the typical settings that might be used to achieve this.


Graham.  :D

Offline pfile

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yes. if i remember correctly, scaling happens automagically with the defaults in StarAlignment.

Offline Graham

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Thanks, I'll give it a go! O0

Offline Graham

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OK, so I have had a play and can see that scaling etc works well.  :)

Now, what is the accepted method of combining, say, all the luminance frames? Is it as simple as image integration, or is it a case of pixel math. If it is pixel math, what would be a formula for combining 3, 4 or 5 luminance or colour frames, remembering that I was never really good at "maffs" :-[

Thanks.  8)

Offline starhopper

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    • starhopper
Hello Graham,
please tell us your experience with combining images made with different optics.
Distortion Correction ist on my wish list.
Thomas Jäger
12"f/3.8 & 8"f/2.9 Astrograph
SBIG STL11000M, Moravian G2 8300
Vixen Atlux Mount, Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 GT
Skywatcher Esprit 100/550

Offline Graham

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LOL!   :D

I have zero experience with combing different images from different scopes but to say I once tried it with a friends Registar program and once using Image Combination in PixInsight. I was just looking for a way to try to use the multitude of hours that I have on several very popular objects available to southern viewers/imagers.  8)

Offline pfile

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so what you have are a bunch of luminance stacks from different cameras? or are they a bunch of luminance subframes from different cameras? calibrated or uncalibrated? just curious.

you should be able to use ImageIntegration in either case but it's probably best if the images are all properly calibrated.

Offline Graham

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I have a bunch of LRGB frames from one camera and different scopes. I reckon I can find all the calibration files, so that should be a non issue. I did have a small run in Image Integration with some uncal'd frames and it mostly went ok apart from one corner where I had stars tuning into "comets" like the rescaling was not correct.  :)