Hey Guys,
Ok I have done some more technical research for flats and here is what I have come up with.
The peak brightness level of a flat should be about one half to two-thirds of the saturation level.
For a given chip, the saturation level is represented by this formula.
Saturation = full well in electrons / (A/D Gain)
For example, for my SBIG STX (16803 chip)
Full Well in electrons = 100,000
A/D Gain = 1.27
Saturation = 78,740
So my flats peak brightness should be between 39,370 and 52,493.
And for my 5D Mark II:
Full Well in electrons at each ISO setting:
50 = 65700
100 = 59400
200 = 29700
400 = 14800
800 = 7425
1600 = 3710
3200 = 1860
6400 = 930
12800 = 460
25600 = 230
Since each ISO level represents the gain then the full well capacity above then really is the saturation level.
So my target flat value is then really based on ISO setting and here is the range for each ISO setting.
50 = 32,850 - 43,800
100 = 29,700 - 39,600
200 = 14,850 - 19,800
400 = 7,400 - 9,867
800 = 3,712 - 4,959
1600 = 1,855 - 2,473
3200 = 930 - 1,240
6400 = 465 - 620
12800 = 230 - 307
25600 = 115 - 153
Is this inline with what other people have observed at each given ISO level for their flats using a DSLR?
I will give this a test go later tonight and see what I come up with.