Author Topic: Darks? I don't need no stinkin' darks...  (Read 2560 times)

Offline Luigi

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Darks? I don't need no stinkin' darks...
« on: 2012 October 21 12:04:00 »
I found some Luminance images of M106 in a dusty corner of my hard drive (been there since May). I didn't have any dark frames 'handy' so I integrated the frames anyway  >:D

I use CCDAutoPilot5 to control my imaging sessions and use dithering between exposures.

I submit this question out of curiosity: am I 'wasting' my time capturing, in this case, 160 minutes of darks?

OTOH, I'm open the the idea that:
a) I'm doing it wrong
b) I'm interpreting the results incorrectly  :)

Attached are two screen shots showing the FITS header after integration, using identical parameters.

Luigi Marchesi