Hello, I'm on day 3 of my trial and have been focused on learning the program with this goal in mind. I have an idea for workflow on how to do this and would like to see what people think. I have never used Photoshop but have used Paintshop Pro for levels and curves on a few DSLR images, I couldn't align layers so looked here - anyways I'm pretty open to new workflows.
Test Color Hues
- from the menu, select Image-->New to create new image with RGB colorspace, use default initial values
- for Ha try these values and click 'Apply Global'
R - 0.81
G - 0
B - 0.23
- for OIII try
R - 0
G - 1
B - 1
I was thinking of using PixelMath to add the grayscales of the OIII and Ha to the RGB but the OIII kind of threw me for a loop so I started thinking I should create RGB color images of the narrowband using these proportions so I've started experimenting with this path.
Last weekend was my first time out with my QSIwsg and so I cheated a bit during image acquisition with Maxim and applied Simple Darks (no flats, no bias) but did collect data for 6 different filters (L R G B Ha OIII) of M27 and the Veil.
StarAlignment and ImageCallibration was done in PixInsight and I have to say I really like how StarAlignment and ImageCallibration work (and thank you Harry for the video tutorials). During StarAlignment I used the same luminance image sub as reference for all of the filter subs and it scaled the Red subs automatically for me (somehow binning got set to 2 for the Red subs).
The Processing Workflow:
Create linear RGB color Image
1) LRGBCombination of Red, Green and Blue stacks
2) BackgroundNeutralization
3) ColorCallibration to set the white balance
(anything else that should be done at this point?)
Create Ha and OIII RGB images
1) from the menu, Image-->New to create new image with RGB colorspace, change width and height as required to match camera, use default initial values (0), and 'Apply Global' to have an active RGB window
2) PixelMath to add the narrowband grayscale stacks to the channels of a new RGB image. Have 'Create new image' checked and click 'Apply'. Use ScreenTransferFunction and autostretch without 'Link RGB Channels'
for Ha
R - (1-M27_Ha)*0.81
G -
B - (1-M27_Ha)*0.23
for OIII
R -
G - (0+M27_OIII)*1
B - (0+M27_OIII)*1
This is where I am at right now.
I guess BackgroundNeutralization could be done on the narrowband RGB images now. Not sure what should be done for these narrowband images. Would white balance still apply?
I was thinking I could maybe register and stack the RGB's but now I'm thinking PixelMath to blend red channel to red, blue to blue, green to green might be better but haven't thought it through regarding ratios.
Any thoughts on what I'm doing?