StarAlignment cannot correct so large distortions. Increasing RANSAC tolerance and forcing it to maximize the area covered by star pair matches helps a lot (see attached screenshot), but does not solve the problem completely with your images.
Your best option to build this mosaic is DynamicAlignment. use your "stars" image as reference (select it as #1 in DynamicAlignment) and one of the mosaic frames as the target image. Define some 50 alignment stars for each frame, well distributed across the whole image. Make sure you cover well the overlapping area. It requires some manual work, but looks much more difficult than it actually is. Once you have defined a few star pairs, DynamicAlignment finds the rest automatically. Watch the Ex and Ey values; they tell you the differences between the coordinates predicted by the model and the coordinates of each new star. With a little practice you can have your mosaic ready in half an hour.
Another option: Build the mosaic with StarAlignment, using the parameters shown on the screenshot, but with the "Register/Union Separate" mosaic mode and frame adaptation enabled. Then apply DynamicAlignment to the aligned mosaic frames. This will fix the residual errors due to distortion, and is much easier and faster than aligning against the synthetic star field.