Author Topic: Batch Preprocess: No longer producing master light or registered files?  (Read 3168 times)

Offline Terry Danks

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Hi All:

Something seems to have gone amiss with my settings for the Batch Preprocess script.
I was getting a folder "registered" containing the registered subs. No more.
Also the master folder has masters for darks, bias and flats but no longer is there a master for lights.

The "export calibration files" box is checked.
I checked with DSS and it produced an integrated light frame as per usual.

Any suggestions as to what is wrong?

Thanks . . .

Terry Danks

Offline Terry Danks

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Well, I have no idea what went wrong but I hit the "Reset" button and all seems well again. Getting a folder for "calibrated," "master" and "registered" again. Master light is again included in the "master" folder too.
So, "reset" fixed it, whatever it was.
