Hi Team,
Now, this may or may not be a bug as I am not the worlds greatest Javascript user. However, for the purposes of reporting, I provide the following:
I am looking to change the focal length of a series of images taken when I first started using SGP. Unfortunately, I did not know enough about the product at the time to realise I needed to set the correct focal length of my train so in stead of 714mm (ES ED102CF), I somehow got 571 for all my images. It was quite a while ago so not sure what I did back then.
In any event, I read the forums regarding batch processing changes to FITSKeywords and it eventually led me to the FITSKeywords script (I started manually changing FOCALLEN but that is going to get painful with the amount of images I have).
Besides not knowing how to actually batch change using FITSKeywords, I can load images, set an output directory and check the box that brings up FOCALLEN but cannot for the lift of me figure how to change the parameter from 571 to the correct 714mm. I noted in Process Console the following error and wondered if that might have something to do with it:
run --execute-mode=auto "/Applications/PixInsight/src/scripts/FITSKeywords.js"
Processing script file: /Applications/PixInsight/src/scripts/FITSKeywords.js
** Warning [156]: /Applications/PixInsight/src/scripts/FITSKeywords.js, line 574: assignment to undeclared variable I
For information (and any suggestions),
I should add, I am running Mac OS 10.13.6 (High Sierra) on a late 2012 iMac 27"